Thank you for joining our global week of action to end fossil fuels.

Together, we held the insurance industry accountable for its role in the climate crisis.
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In order to build a new fossil fuel project, companies need three things: permits, money and insurance. Without insurance, most new fossil fuel projects cannot go ahead, and existing ones must close. This makes insurance the Achilles heel of the fossil fuel industry.

With your help, we held insurers accountable to help accelerate the shift away from fossil fuels. Together, we fought for a just climate transition that makes polluters pay and protects our communities.

Insurance campaigning has already made new coal power plants almost uninsurable. Coal companies are finding it increasingly difficult to access insurance cover even for their ongoing operations. Now we are doing the same for oil and gas expansion.

Our demands
to insurance giants

1. Stop insuring fossil fuels

Immediately cease insuring new and expanded coal, oil, and gas projects and the companies developing them.

2. Respect human rights

Immediately adopt robust policies to ensure that clients fully respect all human rights, including Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) of impacted communities.

3. Support a just transition

Play an active role in the just transition by increasing support to renewable projects by and for communities most impacted by climate change and facing energy access crisis.

Communities resisting fossil fuels

All over the world, communities are rising up to oppose dangerous fossil fuel projects and demand insurers protect communities, not polluters.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

Current insurance targets
Chubb, Liberty Mutual, and Sompo

Environmental impacts

  • Methane gas would annually emit the equivalent of 44 coal plants.
  • It would become the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.
  • Methane gas has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere.

Social impacts

  • Methane is highly volatile and risks explosions. This project is dangerous to neighboring communities due to its proximity to the SpaceX launch site that has caused unplanned seismic activity and rocket debris that has fallen on the site
  • This project violates human rights. The Carrizo/Comecrudo tribe is legally challenging the facility for not meeting standards of Free, Prior and Informed
  • Consent of Indigenous peoples and violating international law.

Learn more about the methane gas expansion in Texas and Louisiana.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

This proposed project in Brownsville, Texas (U.S. Gulf Coast) would be the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

Current insurance targets
AIG, Lloyd’s of London and Tokio Marine

Environmental impacts

  • The pipeline will pass next to Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake, that more than 40 million people depend on for water and food production.
  • It will cross more than 200 rivers, run through thousands of farms, rip through numerous sensitive biodiversity hotspots, and risk significantly degrading several nature reserves.
  • Estimated to generate over 34 million tons of carbon emissions each year – more than double the current emissions of Uganda and Tanzania.

Social impacts

  • This project has displaced roughly 118,000 people, primarily farming communities, resulting in loss of culture and traditions due to relocation.
  • Increasing arrest, imprisonment, violence and human rights violations against community members and Human rights activists questioning or opposing the project.

Visit the #StopEACOP for more details.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

A proposed project in Uganda and Tanzania that would be the world’s longest heated oil pipeline.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

Current insurance targets
Chubb, Liberty Mutual, and Sompo

Environmental impacts

  • Methane gas would annually emit the equivalent of 44 coal plants.
  • It would become the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.
  • Methane gas has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere.

Social impacts

  • Methane is highly volatile and risks explosions. This project is dangerous to neighboring communities due to its proximity to the SpaceX launch site that has caused unplanned seismic activity and rocket debris that has fallen on the site
  • This project violates human rights. The Carrizo/Comecrudo tribe is legally challenging the facility for not meeting standards of Free, Prior and Informed
  • Consent of Indigenous peoples and violating international law.

Learn more about the methane gas expansion in Texas and Louisiana.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

This proposed project in Brownsville, Texas (U.S. Gulf Coast) would be the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

Current insurance targets
AIG, Lloyd’s of London and Tokio Marine

Environmental impacts

  • The pipeline will pass next to Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake, that more than 40 million people depend on for water and food production.
  • It will cross more than 200 rivers, run through thousands of farms, rip through numerous sensitive biodiversity hotspots, and risk significantly degrading several nature reserves.
  • Estimated to generate over 34 million tons of carbon emissions each year – more than double the current emissions of Uganda and Tanzania.

Social impacts

  • This project has displaced roughly 118,000 people, primarily farming communities, resulting in loss of culture and traditions due to relocation.
  • Increasing arrest, imprisonment, violence and human rights violations against community members and Human rights activists questioning or opposing the project.

Visit the #StopEACOP for more details.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

A proposed project in Uganda and Tanzania that would be the world’s longest heated oil pipeline.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

Current insurance targets
Chubb, Liberty Mutual, and Sompo

Environmental impacts

  • Methane gas would annually emit the equivalent of 44 coal plants.
  • It would become the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.
  • Methane gas has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere.

Social impacts

  • Methane is highly volatile and risks explosions. This project is dangerous to neighboring communities due to its proximity to the SpaceX launch site that has caused unplanned seismic activity and rocket debris that has fallen on the site
  • This project violates human rights. The Carrizo/Comecrudo tribe is legally challenging the facility for not meeting standards of Free, Prior and Informed
  • Consent of Indigenous peoples and violating international law.

Learn more about the methane gas expansion in Texas and Louisiana.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

This proposed project in Brownsville, Texas (U.S. Gulf Coast) would be the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

Current insurance targets
AIG, Lloyd’s of London and Tokio Marine

Environmental impacts

  • The pipeline will pass next to Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake, that more than 40 million people depend on for water and food production.
  • It will cross more than 200 rivers, run through thousands of farms, rip through numerous sensitive biodiversity hotspots, and risk significantly degrading several nature reserves.
  • Estimated to generate over 34 million tons of carbon emissions each year – more than double the current emissions of Uganda and Tanzania.

Social impacts

  • This project has displaced roughly 118,000 people, primarily farming communities, resulting in loss of culture and traditions due to relocation.
  • Increasing arrest, imprisonment, violence and human rights violations against community members and Human rights activists questioning or opposing the project.

Visit the #StopEACOP for more details.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

A proposed project in Uganda and Tanzania that would be the world’s longest heated oil pipeline.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

Current insurance targets
Chubb, Liberty Mutual, and Sompo

Environmental impacts

  • Methane gas would annually emit the equivalent of 44 coal plants.
  • It would become the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.
  • Methane gas has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere.

Social impacts

  • Methane is highly volatile and risks explosions. This project is dangerous to neighboring communities due to its proximity to the SpaceX launch site that has caused unplanned seismic activity and rocket debris that has fallen on the site
  • This project violates human rights. The Carrizo/Comecrudo tribe is legally challenging the facility for not meeting standards of Free, Prior and Informed
  • Consent of Indigenous peoples and violating international law.

Learn more about the methane gas expansion in Texas and Louisiana.

Rio Grande Methane Gas Export Terminal

This proposed project in Brownsville, Texas (U.S. Gulf Coast) would be the largest single source polluter in the South Texas region.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

Current insurance targets
AIG, Lloyd’s of London and Tokio Marine

Environmental impacts

  • The pipeline will pass next to Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake, that more than 40 million people depend on for water and food production.
  • It will cross more than 200 rivers, run through thousands of farms, rip through numerous sensitive biodiversity hotspots, and risk significantly degrading several nature reserves.
  • Estimated to generate over 34 million tons of carbon emissions each year – more than double the current emissions of Uganda and Tanzania.

Social impacts

  • This project has displaced roughly 118,000 people, primarily farming communities, resulting in loss of culture and traditions due to relocation.
  • Increasing arrest, imprisonment, violence and human rights violations against community members and Human rights activists questioning or opposing the project.

Visit the #StopEACOP for more details.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

A proposed project in Uganda and Tanzania that would be the world’s longest heated oil pipeline.

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All groups and individuals taking action during the Global Week of Action are invited to communicate in their name and can mention their action is part of the Insure Our Future Global Week of Action to #InsureOurFutureNOW. We invite you to use the Global Week of Action demands and ensure your actions are non-violent.


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