Insurance gap in the age of climate crisis: New report spotlights Vienna Insurance Group’s alarming lack of effective climate policies

Prague, 11 March 2025 – As the impacts of climate crisis intensify, the role of the insurance business in either mitigating or deepening the crisis cannot be ignored. A new report The Insurance Gap in the Age of Climate Crisis: Ranking the Major Insurers in Central and Eastern Europe by the Czech NGO Re-set focuses …

Aerial view of Vienna - Vienna, Austria

VIG lacks ambition as it slows on progress: Insure Our Future statement on updated sustainability policy

Vienna, 15 May 2024 – In response to Vienna Insurance Group’s updated sustainability rules:

Insuring Disaster 2024

ShareAction Report: Insurance’s triple whammy threatens the survival of people and planet

London, 15 April 2024 – A major investigation into the world’s 65 largest insurance companies from the responsible investment charity ShareAction, released 11 April 2024, shows that both people and planet face the triple whammy from insurance companies underwriting and investing in projects that are increasing global warming, damaging the natural environment and failing to …

IOF Lloyd's Building 24

Campaigners demand ‘polluters pay’ as insurance industry meet for inaugural sustainability summit

Today, as the insurance industry convenes for the first Global Sustainable Insurance Summit in Los Angeles, the 32 campaign groups of the Insure Our Future network have sent a letter to the world’s leading fossil fuel insurers, detailing how they can accelerate the transition to a clean and just energy economy. Demands in the letter …

Global Week of Action calls on insurance companies to take urgent climate action

The insurance industry holds the key to a safer, prosperous future if they act now. Over 100 groups in over 27 countries across 5 continents are holding over 80 demonstrations, marches, direct actions and events this week with a clear message: Insure Our Future, not fossil fuels. The insurance industry is uniquely positioned to drive …

Protesters holding a banner outside Vienna Insurance Group headquarters

42 environmental organisations across Central and Eastern Europe unite in denouncing Vienna Insurance Group’s lack of oil and gas policy and are making their voices heard at its AGM

Vienna, 26 May 2023 – Over 40 environmental organisations from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have united to publish an open letter [1] addressed to the CEO of Vienna Insurance Group (VIG), Ms. Elisabeth Stadler, expressing deep concern over the company’s lack of an oil and gas policy and its too laxed coal policy, and …

Vienna Insurance Group strengthens coal policy but does not clarify key details and fails to act on oil and gas

Following the update to Vienna Insurance Group’s (VIG) climate policy this week, climate campaigners denounce the insurer’s continued lack of clarity on the application of its coal policy and its silence on oil and gas. This morning at 9:00am CET, Campaigners from #aufstehn held a protest at VIG’s Annual General Meeting with a banner outside …

Allianz, Generali and VIG prop up Czech coal companies, report finds

Insurance companies Allianz, Generali, and Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) continue to insure Czech coal companies despite pledged coal policies. Report by researchers from Re-Set, a Czech civil society organisation, finds that the insurers are underwriting climate-wrecking coal power plants and derailing decarbonisation both in Czech republic and the EU as a whole. The report, Betting …

VIG strengthens coal policy, but still falls short of Paris climate targets

Insure Our Future today welcomed Austrian insurer VIG’s announcement of a strengthened coal policy, but warned that it does not meet the need for a rapid phase-out of coal to meet Paris climate targets. The insurer commits to making no new investments in companies which derive more than 30% of sales from coal mining, among other criteria, a significant improvement on its previous …

With VIG, the next coal insurance domino falls

Austria’s Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) is to stop insuring new coal plants and mines, becoming the eighth insurer to announce restrictions on its cover for coal. The new coal policy is available here. VIG also announced that it would cease investing in companies which derive 50% of revenues from thermal coal mining or thermal coal …

Insurers’ support for Polish coal poisons air at climate summit

Four companies back expansion plans as industry leaders end cover for new coal power Four European insurers are continuing to support plans to expand Poland’s coal industry, reveals research from the Insure Our Future campaign released today as the country prepares to host the UN Climate Summit next month. Germany’s Talanx, Austrian insurers Vienna Insurance …

Generali and Vienna Insurance Group found insuring new lignite plant in Czechia

Generali and Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) have signed a 365,000 euro contract to insure a recently finished 660MW coal power plant in the Czech Republic, undermining international action to tackle climate change and clean up Europe’s air, the Insure Our Future campaign revealed today. Coal is the biggest single source of CO2 emissions. No new …

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