Insuring Disaster 2024

ShareAction Report: Insurance’s triple whammy threatens the survival of people and planet

London, 15 April 2024 – A major investigation into the world’s 65 largest insurance companies from the responsible investment charity ShareAction, released 11 April 2024, shows that both people and planet face the triple whammy from insurance companies underwriting and investing in projects that are increasing global warming, damaging the natural environment and failing to …

Arch becomes eighteenth insurer to sever ties with the Trans Mountain Tar Sands Pipeline

Number of insurers ruling out Trans Mountain continues to grow, following a year of climate impacts along the pipeline route and continued pressure from activists. Trans Mountain insurer and Lloyd’s of London syndicate Arch Insurance has committed to no longer insure the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline after its current insurance policy expires this summer. …

Trans Mountain insurer Aspen commits to cut ties with the tar sands pipeline

Aspen joins sixteen companies that have ruled out insuring Trans Mountain Trans Mountain insurer and Lloyd’s of London syndicate Aspen Insurance has pledged to cut ties with the existing Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline when its current insurance policy expires this summer. Aspen joins sixteen insurance companies that have dropped Trans Mountain or vowed not …

AIG’s climate commitments are a major step forward for US insurance industry’s exit from fossil fuels

Insurance giant rules out support for new coal, tar sands, and Arctic energy exploration projects and commits to Net Zero emissions by 2050 for underwriting and investments WASHINGTON, D.C. – American International Group Inc. (NYSE: AIG) today announced major new company-wide climate commitments, including commitments to no longer provide underwriting and investments in the construction …

Open letter calls on insurers to cut ties with Trans Mountain, as key pipeline insurance policy expires

Fifteen insurers have ruled out Trans Mountain – coalition pledges to continue pressuring the remaining companies Today, Indigenous, environmental, and climate groups sent an open letter to twenty insurance companies that have failed to rule out insuring the Trans Mountain pipeline network, following the August 31 expiration date of one of Trans Mountain’s key insurance …

15th insurer rules out coverage for the Trans Mountain Pipeline

Lloyd’s syndicate member Cincinnati Global is now 15th insurer to commit to not insure or reinsure the existing Trans Mountain pipeline or expansion project Lloyd’s of London syndicate Cincinnati Global Underwriting has ruled out insuring the existing Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline and the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. Cincinnati Global, a subsidiary of Cincinnati Financial, …

Parents make Father’s Day appeal for Lloyd’s to stop insuring fossil fuels

Mums, dads and children made a Father’s Day appeal to Lloyd’s of London Chairman, Bruce Carnegie-Brown, to stop insuring fossil fuels at a protest outside the companies’ London headquarters today.   The parents delivered a giant oil drum of dead flowers and an oversized Father’s Day card to Carnegie-Brown in a direct appeal to the …

Lloyd’s insurer Argo Group commits to cut Ties with Trans Mountain Pipeline

Lloyd’s syndicate member Argo joins more than 10 other insurers that will not insure Trans Mountain, citing no “risk appetite” for tar sands pipelines. Trans Mountain insurer and Lloyd’s of London syndicate Argo Group has pledged to cut ties with the existing Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline when its current insurance policy expires on August …

70 Groups Call on Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg to live up to his climate rhetoric

70 groups delivered a letter today calling on Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg to strengthen Chubb’s weak coal policy and stop insuring new oil and gas. Citizens’ groups wearing Evan Greenberg masks delivered the letter to Chubb headquarters in New York, Zurich, and San Francisco in advance of Chubb’s May 20th shareholder meeting. Chubb was an …

Campaigners call on Lloyd’s of London to immediately stop insuring the world’s worst fossil fuels projects

The Insure our Future network increases pressure on Lloyd’s with the launch of a website calling on the insurer to strengthen its ESG policy and stop insuring coal and new oil and gas projects that exacerbate climate change. provides a gateway to action for the growing global network of organisations and individuals, including Lloyd’s …

Lloyd’s must wash its hands of coal and tar sands

Today, in an activity that marks the launch of a global campaign, Insure Our Future takes global climate concerns to Lloyd’s of London’s front door as it reopens its underwriting hall. As insurance professionals enter the building, campaigners welcome them with the message that Lloyd’s market must ‘wash its hands of coal and tar sands’ …

What is Lloyd’s of London and how does it help fuel the climate crisis?

Lloyd’s of London provides insurance and reinsurance that supports, enables and provides cover for some of the world’s worst fossil fuel projects, including coal mines, tar sands pipelines and new oil & gas exploration, which are incompatible with keeping climate change under 1.5°C. Lloyd’s provides a significant portion of the global energy market insurance and …

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